Lawyer - Reorganisation Consultant - Interim

The person behind the desk is me: Annette de Groot. Lawyer with over 16 years of experience in employment law. Specialized in the legal aspects of organisational restructuring and redundancies.

There is a lot involved when a company makes organisational changes, as there are many laws and rules an employer should observe. Especially if the reorganisation has consequences for the staff.

Are you confronted with a reorganisation at work?

Or with organisational changes? These can have far-reaching consequences for your employment. Read the overview of common reasons for employers to implement a reorganisation.

Questions you might have:

Do I have to cooperate with a drop in salary? Am I rightly selected for dismissal? Or should my colleague be dismissed instead? Am I entitled to reassignment? Has my employer adhered to the rules of the game? And what about my unemployment benefits?

I will be happy to provide you with the answers to such questions. And to all other questions you might have. Whether it concerns the Works Council process, a dismissal procedure, negotiations about a severance package, or the correct selection for dismissal. I can help you with all these issues. Also if, perhaps, there already is a conflict with your employer or even a lawsuit.

The Reorganisation Desk helps.

I explain the legal rules of the game in an understandable manner. Clear advice, so you know where you stand. And a plan of action, so you know how to move forward.

If you have received an offer for termination of employment, if there is a dismissal application at the Institute for Employee’s Insurances (UWV) or at the court, I will fight with you and for you. So you can keep your job.

Would you like to leave your current workplace? In that case we aim for the best settlement.
I will negotiate on the cutting edge and get the most out of the situation for you. In order for you to receive what you are entitled to and more.

I can also assist if you are confronted with a job change, reassignment, relocation or other undesirable adjustment of employment conditions.

Why The Reorganisation Desk?

Because you can rely on my extensive experience with guiding employees through a reorganisation. By making use of my specialized employment law knowledge. The desk distinguishes itself by the rapid, informal and practical transfer of that knowledge. Guidance and advice from an experienced and committed lawyer, but still accessible and understandable. I am truly involved and I understand the emotions behind a legal issue.

Transparency and clarity in advance about the costs. And for employees a reduced rate applies.

Sometimes your employer pays part of the costs. That wasn't offered to you? In that case it is wise to ask about it. I can help you with that as well.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss the possibilities.

Do you want to know more about the lawyer behind the desk?

Checklist with steps to take

Would you like to get an idea of what a reorganisation involves?
And check whether your employer has paid attention to all elements of the process?

Click on the button below to view the free checklist:

Any questions?

Please fill in the form below and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Questions concerning regular employment law?
Visit The Employment Law Desk

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